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Are you on public assistance? Dumbass!!! Its YOUR Fault
Published on March 30, 2005 By joeKnowledge In The Environment
This is a retort to what Frogboy said within an acticle about Terry Schiavo:
In fact, why stop there? How about the people are incapable of feeding themselves without government subsidies? Billions are spent providing food to people who somehow have managed to screw up their lives to the point that they can't afford to pay for their own food. Should we stop providing them food?

Granted that this quote was just to make a point but in reality, many here at Joe User would agree with this. Poor people are stupid bafoons who just take up space because they are too scared to work hard enough. "Why don't they just pull themselves up by their own boot straps?"

In order to 'pull yourself up by your own boot straps' you have to have boot straps to do so.

There is a major thought to those, it seems, who have that it is something every one can get if they just work hard.
You don't have savings? You didn't work hard enough.
You don't have health coverage? You didn't work hard enough.
You job pays you 7 dollars an hour? Your IQ is too low anyway.
No education? No food? One or more kids? Who's fault is that?

Lets be honest here about life: Shit happens.
Abused wife ends up on welfare: Its her fault
Man looses job (low wage job) so he didn't earn enough for savings: Its his fault
Unemployment runs out and savings is spent: Your fault, you must have did something
Employer refuses you unemployment: Your fault
Get hurt in an accident: You did it, not me
Fresh out of college and haven't found anything: You should have been at the top of the class then
One of your kids get sick: Who told you to have kids?
Wife or husband dies: Your just a sucker anyway
Parental care: Your parents should have worked harder
I have 2 jobs but don't make enough for insurance or to save anything: I bet you did something in your life to be in that place

What I also here from some Joe Users is that 'I used to be poor and everybody I knew was a dumbass'. One person wrote, "I work with public assisance people and they are dumbasses."

I find that most people who think this way tend to be the following (this is where I get judgemental)
Never was an adult who was poor
Never was an adult with kids who was/is poor
Can't tell when someone is just trying to look big when they actually feel small
Feels that, through hard work ONLY, they made it and there is an AWESOME amount of space for you to make it too
They just know what it is like to grow up in a poor community with one parent with a poor school
There can be no reason why someone could POSSIBILY be on public assistance
Most jobs in the US pay 30,000 a year so there is no reason to be someone who stays in a entry level job
Medical bills don't effect
Not eating allows you to think better in school growing up
Working 2 jobs and going to school is easy and look someone made it, why can't you?
If you don't have money, then just get a job. It doesn't cost money to get a job

I guess I could keep going. I am personally on public assisnace and I can tell you NO ONE is proud of it (except for a few). I can tall you that some people talk real big about how they can cheat the system but it is all a major front. I personally don't like being fingerprinted and inspected to see why I need public assisntace. I don't like having a public asistance car and having to use it to by food. Neither does most of the people I met (or have ever met living in a poor nieghborhood). I don't like having to tell personal information over and over again just to get a meal.

But someone love doing this somewhere. I haven't talk to them yet.

I'll admit there are some charaters. One person I met just wouldn't do what it took to get a job. Another outright said that she was not going to work. These examples are more like 2 out of 15.

I, for one, would like to know if anyone hear knows when someone is bliffing or 'putting up a front'. This happens quite often in public assistance. I hear allot of talk about what to do, how to cheat, what we should demand and how good it is to get free food and medical... even a cash stipend after a few weks and payments for rent.

'I'm getting me a new cell phone' says one, 'I'm going club hopping' says another. 'My mom gives me some of the rent money back so I am ok' another says. What actually happens? No cell phone, no club hopping (or it happens once) and one person still has the privlege to say he gets money from his mother but later tells me that she said you better get a job or else.

Also, when your or poor, at time you do not want to let other people think your beter han them. So you say stuff that you would not do or don't say that you would do something that would be considered 'uppitty'.

I am going to use the money for school... you'll hardly hear that said but it is done. I'll use the money to get me some work clothes... another no-no. If some people have to go to a 'safe house' just to change their clothes to go to work so that they don't leave their house looking like they work, I doubt he would mention that the extra money will go to work clothes.

As far as IQ is conserned... these dumb people tend to have WAY better human communication skilss then those who have that high IQ. IQ test have been know to only focus on a few mental abilities. I am not sure why IQ's tend to be the 'end to be all' in judging why someone can't make it.

I also disagree with the idea that if you work hard enough you will make it. The truth is that there is only room for so many people to get paid 30,000 a year. There are only so many slots at harvard. not everyone gan get A's and B's in school and inFACT the grading scale is et to make a distintion between who is the smartest and who is the... dumbest. So no matter whow smart you are, if someone is smarter you get a lower grade. Trust me, if everyone in one school got A's and B's there would be an investigation of the schools teachers and test scores. someone HAS TO FAIL.

Everyone can not be a millionaire, evryone can not be midle class (hence the name middle). More people are going to be working class (Why? because most jobs are entry level and entry level jobs tend to lead nowhere within most companies). Then you have the poor; the people who did something stupid in their lives to deserve such a fate.

So if your poor, raise your hand and be proud! if you see a job that will pay you money, pass it because you don't need it. Your stupid and you must have done something wrong so don't bother to try anymore. Just stay where you are. Why give up free money??? It will last forever!

Poor people are stupid.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 31, 2005

Poor people are stupid.

Right, and under the rules of Darwinism and Evolution, they are weak and therefore not fit to survive.  So we pull their feeding tube and give them a few days of euphoria.

on Mar 31, 2005
Rates an insightful from me.
on Mar 31, 2005
I say, what is the point of being alive if your poor. You obviously made a mistake somewhere so just end it.

Sadly, it seems, that I would have to be in a persistance vegitative state in order to get my wish.

But since I am not, and assistaed suicide is illegal, I just have to keep taking from other people in order to eat, find a job and keeep it (because you need money to go to work for the first few weeeks before your first paycheck), medical coverage (I now have high blood pressure working at one of those 'entry level' jobs after being harrassed and threatened by an employee) and so on.

I take 3 different medications to actually stay alive (maybe I shouldn't and just give up).

Sometimes, I wonder if Terri was lucky to leave this world as she did or wasn't and a grave injustice was inacted

I wasn't born poor, but my father died and both my parents went through the 1970's New York City fiscal crisis and lost their jobs. So I ended up in a poor family on public assistance for a while.

Both had associate drgrees.

So I worked hard and got my degree too, the first in my family to get a full for year degree and even go to graduate school for that matter... but I couldn't find a job after graduating.

My loss...

Decided to change career paths so maybe I would get something... then September 11 happened... keep in mind that I live in New York City.

Oh well...

Now I don't have any experience so I get passed over... or I have too much and they don't want me.


So I decide to make a knowledge archive to show that I can learn fast and have knowledge in technology:
Online Knowledge base


ok, well, maybe I will write a proposal to public assistance about people creating knowledge bases for themselves to help in thier careers and I will eventually post it on-line as me showing inititive... I'll even make Knowledhe Net as a group of people helping each other create searchable knowledge (career or just thoughts on life)

Still working on that, but why bother? I'm poor and stupid.

I just don't know man; Terri brings up so many issues like abortion, family healthcare, handicapped, and even marriage/guardianship and poor people. She gets sentenced to death (a long one lasting over 2 weeks no less) so I guess maybe I should go to.
on Mar 31, 2005
But since I am not, and assistaed suicide is illegal, I just have to keep taking from other people in order to eat, find a job and keeep it (because you need money to go to work for the first few weeeks before your first paycheck), medical coverage (I now have high blood pressure working at one of those 'entry level' jobs after being harrassed and threatened by an employee) and so on.

you just nailed the differnce. One that most of the ghouls have yet to comprehend. They insist that feeding someone means they have no QOL. It is not the sane that fail to see the pandoras box that has just been openend, but the ones blinded by their own ignorance.
on Mar 31, 2005
Still working on that, but why bother? I'm poor and stupid.

The ghouls would love that, but dont. be a constant reminder to their own ignorance.
on Mar 31, 2005

Statistically, the persistently poor are stupid - in general. Sorry but it's true.

That doesn't mean everyone who is poor is stupid.  But yea, show me 100 Americans living in poverty and I'll show you that 95 of them have made a series of incredibly stupid decisions to get there.  The other 5 are victims of circumstance (disabled, illness, bad luck, etc.).

But bear in mind, I'm not the one advocating killing off people because they're stupid. I'm not the one suggesting we should off people who are mentally disabled.

on Sep 03, 2005
well by definition half the population has an IQ<100. Although IQ itself is only an approximate measure of a subset of 'intelligence', if we can accept that, then in the US alone that makes 125,000,000 people approximately. So what do you propose to do about it? Do you advocate the eugenic solutions proposed by the far right in the 1930s? Given that this normal distribution of abilities is a feature of evolution, it will be a constant in the furure as well, so that a eugenics policy will have to be continued indefinitely - you can't 'breed dumbness' out of the population.

Do you take the Darwinian approach and let them 'sink or swim' by themselves. The Darwinian approach seems very inefficient to me: half the population contributes nothing for society, in fact you get two societies in conflict with each other. The half that you believe yourself to be a part of is constantly defending itself from the 'dumb half' who see what you have and understandably want what they feel excluded from. Looks like a bad quality of life for everyone.

Do create an inclusive society and acknowledge that some people do need a 'helping hand' to participate in community life and that perhaps a less 'efficient' economy may actually be a more productive economy, and hey, it may actually create a better quality of life for all even if you have less dollars in your pocket.
on Sep 03, 2005
But yea, show me 100 Americans living in poverty and I'll show you that 95 of them have made a series of incredibly stupid decisions to get there.

Well, not all poor people are unhappy with poverty, and sometimes it takes an incredibly smart decision to become poor.

Just a thought.

on Sep 03, 2005
I'm not saying anything about "all" people in a given group.  I don't pretend to know whether poor people are happy or unhappy as that's a subjective thing.  But poor people generally having a lower IQ is a verifiable fact.
on Sep 03, 2005
You missed my point, man! You said that it would either take an ignorant decision or a negative circumstance for a person to enter into poverty. In many cases, the decision made is just the opposite of ignorant, and in some cases, saved them from a life they weren't meant to live.

I'm not disagreeing with the facts; I know they're true. I just thought I'd let you in on that little tid bit after reading your opinion. I'm inviting you into the world of Trinitie!
on Sep 03, 2005

You missed my point, man! You said that it would either take an ignorant decision or a negative circumstance for a person to enter into poverty. In many cases, the decision made is just the opposite of ignorant, and in some cases, saved them from a life they weren't meant to live.

I'm not disagreeing with the facts; I know they're true. I just thought I'd let you in on that little tid bit after reading your opinion. I'm inviting you into the world of Trinitie!

I didn't miss your point.  I'll try to put it succinctly this time: Demographic statistics are based on generalizations. They never pretend to represent every single person of a particular group.

on Sep 03, 2005
Well, not all poor people are unhappy with poverty, and sometimes it takes an incredibly smart decision to become poor.

Just a thought.

insightful, trin...but those who are willingly in poverty aren't usually the ones who whine about it!
on Nov 18, 2006
"If you don't have money, then just get a job. It doesn't cost money to get a job"

Oh really.
on Nov 18, 2006
Some of us are stupid and victims of circumstance (disabled, illness, bad luck, etc.). Kinda screws up the numbers huh?
on Nov 18, 2006

Statistically, most people who are poor are not disabled.

Most people I've met who are on the bottom rungs of the economic scale are either content with what they have (a minority) or dumb (but ascribe all their problems to "Bad luck" as opposed to poor decisions).

This article was written a couple of years ago but events of the last couple years have convinced me more than ever that if you randomly select an adult poor person who isn't disabled that you're dealing with someone who is pretty dumb. The most charitable thing I can say is that they lack impulse control.

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