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Are you on public assistance? Dumbass!!! Its YOUR Fault
Published on March 30, 2005 By joeKnowledge In The Environment
This is a retort to what Frogboy said within an acticle about Terry Schiavo:
In fact, why stop there? How about the people are incapable of feeding themselves without government subsidies? Billions are spent providing food to people who somehow have managed to screw up their lives to the point that they can't afford to pay for their own food. Should we stop providing them food?

Granted that this quote was just to make a point but in reality, many here at Joe User would agree with this. Poor people are stupid bafoons who just take up space because they are too scared to work hard enough. "Why don't they just pull themselves up by their own boot straps?"

In order to 'pull yourself up by your own boot straps' you have to have boot straps to do so.

There is a major thought to those, it seems, who have that it is something every one can get if they just work hard.
You don't have savings? You didn't work hard enough.
You don't have health coverage? You didn't work hard enough.
You job pays you 7 dollars an hour? Your IQ is too low anyway.
No education? No food? One or more kids? Who's fault is that?

Lets be honest here about life: Shit happens.
Abused wife ends up on welfare: Its her fault
Man looses job (low wage job) so he didn't earn enough for savings: Its his fault
Unemployment runs out and savings is spent: Your fault, you must have did something
Employer refuses you unemployment: Your fault
Get hurt in an accident: You did it, not me
Fresh out of college and haven't found anything: You should have been at the top of the class then
One of your kids get sick: Who told you to have kids?
Wife or husband dies: Your just a sucker anyway
Parental care: Your parents should have worked harder
I have 2 jobs but don't make enough for insurance or to save anything: I bet you did something in your life to be in that place

What I also here from some Joe Users is that 'I used to be poor and everybody I knew was a dumbass'. One person wrote, "I work with public assisance people and they are dumbasses."

I find that most people who think this way tend to be the following (this is where I get judgemental)
Never was an adult who was poor
Never was an adult with kids who was/is poor
Can't tell when someone is just trying to look big when they actually feel small
Feels that, through hard work ONLY, they made it and there is an AWESOME amount of space for you to make it too
They just know what it is like to grow up in a poor community with one parent with a poor school
There can be no reason why someone could POSSIBILY be on public assistance
Most jobs in the US pay 30,000 a year so there is no reason to be someone who stays in a entry level job
Medical bills don't effect
Not eating allows you to think better in school growing up
Working 2 jobs and going to school is easy and look someone made it, why can't you?
If you don't have money, then just get a job. It doesn't cost money to get a job

I guess I could keep going. I am personally on public assisnace and I can tell you NO ONE is proud of it (except for a few). I can tall you that some people talk real big about how they can cheat the system but it is all a major front. I personally don't like being fingerprinted and inspected to see why I need public assisntace. I don't like having a public asistance car and having to use it to by food. Neither does most of the people I met (or have ever met living in a poor nieghborhood). I don't like having to tell personal information over and over again just to get a meal.

But someone love doing this somewhere. I haven't talk to them yet.

I'll admit there are some charaters. One person I met just wouldn't do what it took to get a job. Another outright said that she was not going to work. These examples are more like 2 out of 15.

I, for one, would like to know if anyone hear knows when someone is bliffing or 'putting up a front'. This happens quite often in public assistance. I hear allot of talk about what to do, how to cheat, what we should demand and how good it is to get free food and medical... even a cash stipend after a few weks and payments for rent.

'I'm getting me a new cell phone' says one, 'I'm going club hopping' says another. 'My mom gives me some of the rent money back so I am ok' another says. What actually happens? No cell phone, no club hopping (or it happens once) and one person still has the privlege to say he gets money from his mother but later tells me that she said you better get a job or else.

Also, when your or poor, at time you do not want to let other people think your beter han them. So you say stuff that you would not do or don't say that you would do something that would be considered 'uppitty'.

I am going to use the money for school... you'll hardly hear that said but it is done. I'll use the money to get me some work clothes... another no-no. If some people have to go to a 'safe house' just to change their clothes to go to work so that they don't leave their house looking like they work, I doubt he would mention that the extra money will go to work clothes.

As far as IQ is conserned... these dumb people tend to have WAY better human communication skilss then those who have that high IQ. IQ test have been know to only focus on a few mental abilities. I am not sure why IQ's tend to be the 'end to be all' in judging why someone can't make it.

I also disagree with the idea that if you work hard enough you will make it. The truth is that there is only room for so many people to get paid 30,000 a year. There are only so many slots at harvard. not everyone gan get A's and B's in school and inFACT the grading scale is et to make a distintion between who is the smartest and who is the... dumbest. So no matter whow smart you are, if someone is smarter you get a lower grade. Trust me, if everyone in one school got A's and B's there would be an investigation of the schools teachers and test scores. someone HAS TO FAIL.

Everyone can not be a millionaire, evryone can not be midle class (hence the name middle). More people are going to be working class (Why? because most jobs are entry level and entry level jobs tend to lead nowhere within most companies). Then you have the poor; the people who did something stupid in their lives to deserve such a fate.

So if your poor, raise your hand and be proud! if you see a job that will pay you money, pass it because you don't need it. Your stupid and you must have done something wrong so don't bother to try anymore. Just stay where you are. Why give up free money??? It will last forever!

Poor people are stupid.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 19, 2006
I would have to say substance abuse, unplanned pregnancies are the two biggest reasons people are in poverty, that and maybe poor economic education a third. Does anyone have some stats?

Last time I went from being unemployed to employed it cost me about $400 to get a new job, through emails, resumes, research, phone calls, interview clothing.

I'll grant you that I probably could have done more with less, but there is certainly a cost to get a job, if you take any job, not necessarily, but the job you are qualified for and want, there is most certainly a cost, most of it is intangible too I would imagine.

Others I'm sure have had to spend more, still others less.
on Nov 19, 2006

I would have to say substance abuse, unplanned pregnancies are the two biggest reasons people are in poverty, that and maybe poor economic education a third. Does anyone have some stats?

I posted them once a long time ago and people in real poverty definitely had a significant % of substance abusers and unwed mothers (or both).

It costs nothing to get a job other than time. It may cost some money to get a better job. But teenagers have been getting jobs for years without spending hundreds of dollars.

on Nov 19, 2006
"real poverty definitely had a significant %substance abusers and unwed mothers (or both)"


But teenagers have been getting jobs for years without spending hundreds of dollars.


However, the statement that is cost nothing to get a job is sorta "stupid" in itself.

Flippin burgers doesn't keep you above the poverty level. No matter how many you flip.
on Nov 20, 2006

However, the statement that is cost nothing to get a job is sorta "stupid" in itself.

Flippin burgers doesn't keep you above the poverty level. No matter how many you flip.

How do you define poverty then? Burger flippers here get up to $9 an hour. That's $18k per year. Hardly poverty level.

on Nov 20, 2006
Statistically, the persistently poor are stupid - in general.

Well, statistics fail in the case of my mother.

She would be, statistically....poor, for the last...oh, 6-7 years. She's below the poverty line, and she's not stupid.

That's one case where statisticas "in general," fail.

on Nov 20, 2006

She would be, statistically....poor, for the last...oh, 6-7 years. She's below the poverty line, and she's not stupid.

That's one case where statisticas "in general," fail.

Why is she poor then? Does she have a job? What is that job?


on Nov 20, 2006
"Burger flippers here get up to $9 an hour." Must be nice, where I come from the flippers don't make no $9.00 an hour, they make $6.00 with 10 cent raises. Hardly living the good life.

I guess when you figure as the governemnt does, a family of four surviving on two incomes of 18k a year, paying for medical expenses, a mortgage, saving for college, retirment, house upkeep/car upkeep, food, insurances, that 18k a year, don't buy what it used to. Considering there hasn't been a minimum wage increase in over or about a decade, you can tell congress has no problem looking the other way for the worker on the very bottom end of the employment scale.

I'm not making excuses or knocking the system. Fact is if you want a better job, all you need to do is get qualified, and move up, network, actively look for another job while working at one, keep moving up the ladder.

If working for others isn't for you, then work for yourself, be your own boss, most people can't do that but it's entry level and much more satisfying to do that. It can also pay much better as time goes by.

My comment was that getting any job isn't always free, any job you are qualified for, that requires a skill and an interview where you should look sharp, is going to cost you something. If you want to work a drive thru at BK, well that might not cost you much if anything to get that job, but anyone can get that job.

Occupations beyond entry level require some investment of both time and money.
on Nov 20, 2006
Why is she poor then? Does she have a job? What is that job?

She brings home 140 $ a week, 580$ a month. She gets 16-17 hours a week.

on Nov 20, 2006
Oh, forgot to add the rest.

She works as an ECS clerk at UPS. No insurance as she is part time, just her check...
on Nov 20, 2006

"Burger flippers here get up to $9 an hour." Must be nice, where I come from the flippers don't make no $9.00 an hour, they make $6.00 with 10 cent raises. Hardly living the good life.

Where do you come from? It's been some years since I've seen a McDonalds or Burger King application that didn't pay at least $8 (and $9 is more typical these days). And I make a point to look when I see it when I travel because this issue comes up so often.

SilentPoet: She brings home 140 $ a week, 580$ a month. She gets 16-17 hours a week.

What is the reason why she is only working less than half-time?

Your mother lives in poverty because she is not working. So the question is why she isn't working. Is she disabled?

on Nov 20, 2006

I guess when you figure as the governemnt does, a family of four surviving on two incomes of 18k a year, paying for medical expenses, a mortgage, saving for college, retirment, house upkeep/car upkeep, food, insurances, that 18k a year, don't buy what it used to. Considering there hasn't been a minimum wage increase in over or about a decade, you can tell congress has no problem looking the other way for the worker on the very bottom end of the employment scale.

The problem is that many people can't make the distinction between what is a necessity and what is a nice to have.

Here are things we are not entitled to:

  1. Owning your own home
  2. Owning your own car
  3. Saving for college
  4. Having healthcare insurance

A lot of people consider not being able to afford those things as being the same as being in poverty. Being in poverty is (supposedly) about not being able to pay for food, clothing, and shelter.

12 years ago, my income was less than $10,000 and amazingly I didn't starve. I had to have roommates to help pay for rent. I couldn't eat out. I couldn't go out and drink. I couldn't go to the movies. I coudln't buy music or rent movies (let alone buy movies). I couldn't afford cable. But I survived and didn't think much of it. OH, and I didn't have health insurance either.

Why? Because I was just starting out. And when you just start out, you don't have the skills.  Being poor at 21 is pretty normal in an egalitarian society.  If you're still poor at 35, you should ask yourself why.


on Nov 20, 2006
Your mother lives in poverty because she is not working. So the question is why she isn't working. Is she disabled?

Eh, she's working but she's not working? How do you figure?

She hurt her back pretty bad a while back, classified as partially disabled, and 58 years old. There have been few who have hired her. Her current job, and one before that being the only ones since she lost her medical job (long story, not one to account here - i will leave it at: stuff happened, she disagreed with her boss based on ethics, so she lost her job and was pretty much black balled.)

What is the reason why she is only working less than half-time?

As far as I know that is what the job entails. She's been sending in applications to numerous jobs, but no reply.

on Nov 20, 2006
Silent, let me point something out to you, if she is a UPS employee and she does not have insurance then she's stupid (not my intention to insult her). I work for UPS, part-time, but thru an agency so I don't have insurance. But every person in that company that is a UPS employee has insurance and 95% of them are part timers, only some supervisors and managers are full-time so you got something wrong in your story.
on Nov 20, 2006
Heres more details. While most people in UPS are in a Union (Teamsters) some, like my Department and most manager positions, are not part of the Union. Still the insurance for Union people is one of the best and the one for non union is almost as good. Again, I don't have insurance cause I am not a UPS employee, I work thru an agency, but that will change in January.

BTW, places like UPS as a new part timer, and fast food were not meant as jobs to raise a family. I remember the times when most fast food employees were teens. I worked at a KFC where 90% of those who worked with me were teens. I was a teen myself and was not looking to live off of KFC, I just needed money for myself.
on Nov 21, 2006
Silent, let me point something out to you, if she is a UPS employee and she does not have insurance then she's stupid (not my intention to insult her). I work for UPS, part-time, but thru an agency so I don't have insurance. But every person in that company that is a UPS employee has insurance and 95% of them are part timers, only some supervisors and managers are full-time so you got something wrong in your story.

This is what I am told, I will check with her.

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