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Search Advertising Development Restarts
Published on April 13, 2005 By joeKnowledge In Life Journals
I have let Search Adverstining (sA for short) fall down and he no get up.

sA is a research project I am working on for my thesis in school based on marketing and business. It is a concept that I thought of while attending a marketing class for school.

The idea behind it is that an educated consumer is a better customer than a non-educated one- With that in mind, try to educate your consumers.

On my blog:
Search Advertising

I sepak to marketing, business and how to mamage money and investments. Later today I will be updating my website:
Search Advertsising.Info

To hav personal pages where you would find news and save on shopping (and even get a discount if you refer someone from your webpage)

This seems to be caching on. is now owned by, Amazo has itts 'create your store' and listmaina sites, and Yahoo is starting up something using Yahoo! 360 as well to create a shopping hub of its own.

What make me feel good is that I thought of this before I ever saw these sites. That means I am on the ball sort of speak.

Anyway, I well be posting weekly progress reports on the site and what I am learning. Will my experimeenbt work? Will people like to talk about what they bought and why as well as get news on hot topics?

We will see.

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