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My beloved blue, furry monster -- who sang "C is for cookie, that's good enough for me" -- is now advocating eating healthy. There's even a new song -- "A Cookie Is a Sometimes Food," where Cookie Monster learns there are "anytime" foods and "sometimes" foods.

What!!!!! Cookie Monster eating OTHER FOOD! A is for what???!!??

So he will now talk about other food items to be placed in the mouth.


on Apr 08, 2005
I read an article on this on msnbc...and my exact thoughts were...what the fuck? This is just wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong...

on Apr 08, 2005
Yet another 9 inch nail in the slow and painful death of what was once Sesame Street.

They should keep Cookie Monster the way he's been and dump the PC cesspool the show has become!!!
on Apr 08, 2005
Cookie Monster was always the perfect example of psychotic over-indulgence. If my memory serves, he'd eat a lot of cookies but usually get sick afterwards. And while every kid I knew wished he could eat cookies like that, none of us ever tried. Even in preschool we knew we'd get sick doing that.

Cookie Monster... it's all in the name! He's a monster, that eats cookies... that's his schtick! What next? Oscar The Grouch gets anger counceling?

Bit by bit my childhood is being destroyed.
on Apr 08, 2005
Ditto to what Zoomba and ParaTed said! He is "Cookie" Monster not "Healthey snack" monster!!! People need to give kids a little more credit for heaven's sake!

My parents always said the key to being a good parent/responsible adult is to remember what it was like to be a kid. Obviously the brain trusts behind this move didn't follow that rule.