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Write a Career Plan in Five Steps
Published on March 12, 2005 By joeKnowledge In Life Journals
Your never to young (well, within reason) nor too old to make a career plan. You can always turn a current situation into smething you want.

The question is, how long will it take. On that note it can range from 2 years to the rest of your life to finally reach that goal or complete a plan. Make sure you know the difference between a over all plan, and the different milestones to reach your potential goal. Once there, there is a decision to decide to figure out what is next.

1. Set your goals
2. Put the plan in writing
3. Navigate / act on your goals
4. Think and live your plan
5. Assess and revise if necessary

I would add a sixth one of which is:
6. Reasearch your plan and the place you want to go.

Number 'six' would actually fit somewhere between 1 and 3. Also keep in mind that you might, depending on what you want, have to move to another city or even state to get the education and/or the job availability.

SOURCE: Netscape Career Builder

Write a Career Plan in Five Steps

By Elizabeth McKinley, Gannett

A career plan is more than helpful -- it's essential. It's a roadmap to get you where you want to be professionally.

Just as you might wander unfocused around the grocery store when you don't bring a list, you wouldn't want to wander similarly through your career.

After all, this is your career, and you don't want to leave it to chance. Crafting a professional plan can help you focus on your goals and provide the clarity needed to achieve success.

The length of your plan will depend on what you want to accomplish and the industry in which you work. If your career plan is to find a new job, it can take several months. A promotion at work could take a year of planning.

These five essential steps will help you craft a career plan to fit your professional needs....

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