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Three Steps to Your Real-Life 'Dream Job'
Published on March 12, 2005 By joeKnowledge In Life Journals
You can see more about this on Joel Garfinkle's website,

Contact Joel at or call 510-655-2010.

SOURCE: Netscape Career and News

Three Steps to Your Real-Life 'Dream Job'

Kate Lorenz, Editor

What do you think of when you envision a dream job? Usually it's something exotic and exciting, like travel photographer, professional athlete or corporate espionage expert. Or maybe it's something more comfortable -- getting paid six figures to sit at home in your pajamas. In truth, a dream job has little to do with exotic locales or lounging around, and has everything to do with you -- your personal gifts, talents and passions.

Joel Garfinkle, founder of Dream Jobs Coaching and recently recognized as one of the top 50 job coaches in the country, says that to find your dream job, you first have to evaluate yourself. "There are three areas of focus that you must align before you can unearth the dream job that is right for you," says Garfinkle....

... Identifying your natural talents.
... Recognizing your passion.
... Removing barriers that keep you from your passion....

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