joeKnowledge Links Archive: Search for internet articles snipeits and links about business, current event news, technology, education, art and science. This site is part of a network of blogs to create a knowledgebase of news articles to search through.

As I am pushing my way into making awebsite that helps others with self improvement, people networking, job search, and especially creating their own knowledge base with links to internet articles of interest, I have made this blog group where everyone can share their blog posts (if they want) on business, technology, science, current events, education and other sub-topics.

You can search though yours as well as other peoples blogs as we all come together to create related knowledge on previously mentioned topics.

Also on the agenda is to create a working portfolio (as oppossed to a static one that doesn't show how you do something in action) for job searches, and to really show what you can do. This, along with your knowledge base, will allow you to have an advantage over other employees because what you don't know, you can look up and do so easily.

This is good for reasearch, group projects, sending info to family and friends, blogging (with actual links and info at hand to back up you assertions), work, and more.

Using Blog Navigator (of which is very much intergrated with Joe User) will also help you (like me) to create a place to store data and informations to create knowledge for yourself and others to use. Imagine your bosses suprise when a project was finished faster because you opened your knowledge base to your co-workers...

More details on this later.
Keep blogging!!!

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