Links Archive Clusters are basically clusters of snippets from different website that provide interesting stories in technology, science, business, education and art. This isn't the first Links Archive Cluster, but I have decided to do it in 2 formats.
One can be seen here, and the other is from using Blog Navigator Pro of which is below. In the coming weeks, I will write (hopefully) a new article on Blog Navigator and how useful it is to creating your own knowledge base of archived stories and links (use it for reasearch, projects, blogging facts, work, and to share).
I am hoping that, one day through poking Frogboy and Adam enough with articles and emails about this, that Blog Navigator will end up either doing what Pluck and Save does or works better with those programs (in piticular Pluck).
Find out more about this programs/services:
Blog Navigator
The End Of Smart Growth? Oregon's Measure 37 And The Future Of The Urban Archipelago
olitics::Ideas: A ballot initiative designed to be a "stake through the heart" of smart growth in Oregon passed overwhelmingly, even in Multnomah County, home to Portland itself.
Will Iran Be The New Iraq?
olitics::War: According to Seymour Hersh, the US is scouting for locations in Iran in preperation for a future war.
AUSTIN BAY WRITES on the Iraqi elections: "The Iraqi people are going to deal th
AUSTIN BAY WRITES on the Iraqi elections: "The Iraqi people are going to deal the Middle East's ancien regime of tyrant and terrorist a devastating political and psychological defeat. Despite the campaign of chaos and intimidation, a recent poll in Baghdad found 60 to 70 percent of the capital's voters...
EU Unveils 50-Acre Airport Lounge
(2004-01-19) -- To accomodate the 840-passenger loads of the new super-sized Airbus A380 jetliner, the European Union (EU) today unveiled its first in a series of 50-acre airport lounges. The ribbon-cutting ceremony in the lounge featured 500 high-stepping Lipizzaner stallions...
THOUGHTS ON ONLINE SHOPPING, from Asparagirl: "Bezos also says that online sales
THOUGHTS ON ONLINE SHOPPING, from Asparagirl: "Bezos also says that online sales 'ultimately will be 10 to 15 percent of retail'. I may be an outlier value, being a young geeky webhead and an early technology adopter with disposable income and all that, but if Scott's and my buying patterns...
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL (free link) offers a blogger celebrity deathmatch on Soc
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL (free link) offers a blogger celebrity deathmatch on Social Security reform, featuring Arnold Kling and Max Sawicky. (Via Arnold Kling). UPDATE: John Weidner comments on the debate....
Sometimes The Environment Is Too Important To Be Left To The Environmentalists
olitics::Environment: Is the modern environmental movement too concerned with policies and not concerned enough with politics?
Amnesty Int'l Alleges U.S. National Tortured in Saudi Jail
Where is Ahmed Abu 'Ali, a 23 year old American citizen, and why hasn't he called home since November? Amnesty International alleges the U.S. was complicit in his capture by the Saudis, and that he has been tortured, possibly by...
BOLLYWOOD BEATS OUT HOLLYWOOD with on-demand streaming of first-run movies on th
BOLLYWOOD BEATS OUT HOLLYWOOD with on-demand streaming of first-run movies on the Internet. (Via Slashdot)....
Anti-Muslim Sentiment in New Jersey
Tragically, a family was murdered in New Jersey last week. The father of the family, Hossam Armanious, was a "Coptic Christian" who had argued with Muslims in an internet chat room. The Coptic Christian community in New Jersey believes the...
Coke Versus Pepsi? Yeah, They Got You
Plastic::SciTech::Advertising: Brain scans showed that when they knew what they were drinking it not only affected their preference, but also activated memory-related brain regions that recall cultural influences. Academic-speak translation: Product branding and advertising work.
Bush Won't Rule Out Military Action Against Iran
President Bush told NBC News tonight he won't rule out military action against Iran. President Bush said on Monday he would not rule out military action against Iran if that country was not more forthcoming about its suspected nuclear weapons...