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New and Improved Christmas (by: messybuu)
Published on December 13, 2004 By joeKnowledge In Business

How does businesss and marketing effect Christmas? This has been a disscussion over the past 10 or 15 years and it only get stronger as mass consumption becomes more and more common place. With discount stores and areas of shopping putting up their 'Christmas' lights even before Thanksgiving now, the question become that is business trying to squeaze to much shopping out of people without moral standpoint?

I believe marketing and advertising can and will have to take a better role in human life. It is better to entertain and educate than speak to the lowest denominator or shock and sex. It works for short term, but at what price? I believe educated consumers are the best customers. I hope my thesis project Search Advertising.Info helps me to figure out and refine my theories on this.

More to come.

SOURCE: messybuu

New and Improved Christmas

Who needs Jesus when you can have Pikachu? Only $49.99!

By: messybuu
Posted: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 on Juxtaposed and Antagonizing
Discussion: Current Events

While browsing channels, I happened upon "A Charlie Brown Christmas." I enjoyed Peanuts as a child, so I decided to watch it. That was a mistake! Not only did they air vile words such as "God," but they even described Christmas as a celebration of the birth of Christ! They even spoke of being religious as a virtue! How could such an offensive program be aired on television? And to claim that a woman's breast at a Super Bowl is offensive? Boy, was I pissed!

When I revived from my heart attack, I realized something that prevented a second one. Sure, "A Charlie Brown Christmas" might be offensively religious, but such Christmas specials are extinct nowadays. You won't hear about Jesus and other religious bullshit on animated Christmas specials today. They're too busy pimping new merchandise for spoiled children to throw tantrums over! Gotta buy new limited edition Santa Pikachu for a special price of only $49.99 to be a true Pokemon Judokai Master! If your parents love you, they'll buy you two!

It's satisfying...

New and Improved Christmas (by: messybuu)

Who needs Jesus when you can have Pikachu? Only $49.99!

For more, click on the link provided...


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