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e-Medicine Is Bigger Than Google

While all the attention about the e-World has been focused on the selling of Google stock, what will impact you far more are the significant advances in e-Medicine.

First, a tip of the hat to Google. I use it, almost exclusively, for web searching. This has been the case for some time, although I fondly recall the days of Alta Vista, Excite, Northern Light, and all the rest. And from time to time I'll enjoy an offbeat search engine like Teoma or Mamma, although both seem like Google spinoffs. WiseCat has a nice (worldly!) list of 50 top search engines. But the reason Google's IPO surged to $1.1 billion is simply that it has become the standard for search engines. The founders deserve the gravy now being poured liberally on anything with the Google imprimatur.

But let's talk about where you and I live — inside our skin. Those miles of pulsing blood vessels linking all our vital organs are the reason why healthcare is such a hot political issue. Right now, it's the hottest personal issue. Thus the short report by Claudia Kalb in a recent issue of Newsweek is of much more personal consequence to you.

First, the backdrop to the story: Those of us who enjoy basic medical care from a local physician know that, in most cases, modern medicine is paper-bound. You fill out a personal medical history when you first check in. Then there's all the insurance paperwork. Then the medical tests come back in paper form. All of which is inserted into a file folder that bulges as the years pass. Even a doctor who...

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