joeKnowledge Links Archive: Search for internet articles snipeits and links about business, current event news, technology, education, art and science. This site is part of a network of blogs to create a knowledgebase of news articles to search through.
joeKnowledge's Articles » Page 17
August 11, 2004 by joeKnowledge
Well, lets just say that some re-runs are in store for those who just can't take any more of the Olympics. So now you can see some of the oldies on a non-cable network. Cool h'uh? what's better is that new eposodes are suppossed to air in Janurary. TV Barn And the beloved ADULT SWIM will most likely have some of those new shows? I guess since the only reason FOX likes the show now is because of ADULT SWIM. Then again, I watched Family Guy on FOX and i barely watched it. now its on SW...
July 28, 2004 by joeKnowledge
What to do, where is the time? Well here is the deal, I will probably on the job market again and I guess that is well and good. I was going to say more stuff, but I have about an half an hour to get ready for work tonight. I guess this will be the second to last day I will be working there. I already called my new account manager and left him a message about quitting. basically I told him that I will work until Friday and that is it. Besides, they probably don't want me to work for the...
July 25, 2004 by joeKnowledge
Take a look at an insightful article about Anime and the artist who draw them...
July 25, 2004 by joeKnowledge
Not just people you think would be there but everyone. From the Matrix to Batman to the Hulk was at the 35th annual event.... an event that when it was first conceived was about comic books but has expanded to movies, TV and other mediums. Is it a geek fest?? Maybe... non-geeks like super heroes too, just see the gross take for Spider-Man 2. Some movie studios have used the Comic - Cons event to test what new movies to come up with. This even is pretty big considering that 75,000 people ca...
July 18, 2004 by joeKnowledge
While things are coming to a solid conclusion, the actual website and company won't be up for another year or more. Its hard being the defining website for all cartoons, anime, comic strips, political cartoons and comic books. Not to mention movies, songs and other such things. Putting all that ogether is hard people!!!! Anyway, first post of many. The next post wont be for a while (08/2004) but it is worth the wait. Well, we thinking it is worth the wait. until then! Anifanatic
May 23, 2004 by joeKnowledge
I am writing because I am dieing to have one account on joeuser instead of 2. I am in need of using this bloging platform for my personal and professional use and I need to have it all on one spot. I see that there is this thing called Blog Navigator. If I purchase it can I have one blog with sub-blogs like I would like to have???
May 8, 2004 by joeKnowledge
As I stated before this blog will be like the other JoeUser blog I have and will be slowly moving to here. While the other blog will remain up it won't be updated beyond next month (June 31 is the limit) as I start the joeKnowledge network of blogs and my personal website. Basically I am in school right now and I figured the best way to show that I know what I am doing and can look up what I learned in the past is to develop a knowledge base to look through. I figured since I am making ...
March 7, 2004 by joeKnowledge
My website and all the external links with sublemental sites are going to be changed to Joe Knowldege. The website will be still doing the same things and that is creating a knowledge base for me to use for my furutre endevears, for others to look throught for their own infomation (I like sharing) and also using it as a place to play around with ideas. This week I will have some more free time so I will be posting all the things I wanted to post before but I was either too busy or too la...