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Hurry up and do it already...
Published on February 2, 2005 By joeKnowledge In Search Engines

With Yahoo and A9 internet search adding the use of images to help you get more familiar with the area you want to go check out, why has not Google put the great CNN most often used program Keyhole? With Keyhole the area site would be seen from above and give some help with the regular road map that is the usual shown.

Plus, with Google owning Picasa and Hello AND Blogger, they could technically call on the blogspere to add images of trips and places on their service. Plus, how much can it take to take some pictures of a block that allot of people visit? World Trade? 34th Street Manhatten? Downtown Chicago?

Can you imagine a search site that could also give you blogs on travel and pictures? Then add the ability to share information by means of IM (with Hello)?

It doesn't end there!!!

Look at how close that is? Not the same as a (search of which shows you the ground level AT eye level though, but this can help drivers who would combine the road map with the topical map to have an idea of where they are at, what they passed and where they are headed. Plus, if you include all those navigation buttons too, you have a good ineterface and BAMM!!!

Problem: For all of that interface adding, this means activeX and FireFox don't likee activeX

You add the street/eye level images:

Look at this!!! You can, if you want, sign in for a more customized search with your locations. What FUN!!!! LOL You get a map (of which Google would improve upon with Keyhole) and when you click on the image you get your walk-through.

Just take a look for yourself:
Find It On The Block: walk-through

Now Yahoo has a way of adding your opinion of the place. This, of course, almost never works. No comments, no reviews, no nothing. Now say an enterprising young adult.... say $user came in and said to area establishments, "I'll put some comments for you about your place."

... sounds shady... so how about having a place where the business can say something about itself... or better yet, have a representative do it for them.


on Feb 04, 2005

looks like Google is getting into it with its Beta for local search...
on Feb 19, 2005
I just thought of something... maybe they will use it to map out a 3D realm where you can visit places virtually.
on Mar 20, 2005
I have to laugh!!!! I went to the keyhole website and read the discussion concerning resolution. It explained that their initial focus is on the U.S., but they had plans to expand higher resolution satelite imagery in the future.

I scrolled down to the international section, and the first country I saw was Afghanistan with 0.7 meters resolution; which of course prompted me to go look at Iraq: same thing, but with a matrix! Many, many--in fact, most--countries are missing, but there was Cuba, Russia, and most telling: North Korea! Now there is a place the average Joe want to go check out: North Korea! hahahaha I wonder where some of the funding for this came from?

Dont get me wrong, I really dont care, its a pretty cool service; but I had to laugh.
on Mar 21, 2005
I imagine most of these images are declassified DOD satellite photos, hence the interesting countries at such high resolutions...snicker
on Mar 22, 2005
I have it and really enjoy it!! Use it with Direct X and a program called XPGame. The pictures are unreal.
on Mar 22, 2005
I think what is even more interesting is that now Yahoo has bought the web photo site Flikr... much like Google bought Picaso.

I wonder if they will allow people to take pictures of areas to show how the place looks when your at ground level?