brncofan7 has a user page???? YEAH he does!!! You’re probably saying to yourself, “Boy, I wish I could get one of those user pages too.” Well you can!
brncofan7 has made one and its has everything a person interested in skinning could ask about and some more stuff that you might also find interesting
brncofan7 made a few favorites on his list such as GT3 Weather by Tiggz, DogmaX v2a by brewman. His featured skin is essorant’s Retro skin.
Take a look at some of the recent uploads:
Being that he has been around WinCustomize since 2001, he has been pretty interactive. He is rated as an easy critic and made quite a few skin comments. I managed to find a skin that I don’t remember seeing before because he has it in a screenshot and made a comment on it.
CarpeDiem By three_4_me
brncofan7 has contributed in other ways as well as mentioned above. Interactions is what makes WinCustomize, well… WinCustomize
Until the next WinCustomize User Page Focus, I'm joeknowledge/joetheblow